Monday, January 20, 2020

Portable Devices has enhance Learning

  •  What are Portable Devices?
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Learning can be challenging in this fast pass 21st century rush. Teachers can do so much an d no more in the classroom. With the increase in technology I wonder if we teachers found a creative way to incorporate the devices our children use every day if it would help with their learning. I definitely think it would. Let’s look at some of the portable devices that can be used to do so.
Firstly, what are portable devices?

According to Techopedia “A portable device is any device that can easily be carried. It is a small form factor of a computing device that is designed to be held and used in the hands. Portable devices are becoming an increasingly important part of personal computing as the capabilities of devices like laptops, tablets and smartphones continue to improve.” (Portable Devices , 2020)

Let’s now explore a few of these devices that can be beneficial to our students.

1.      Laptop

Image result for laptops for school
Parents and educators are always looking for new learning tools to help students reach their academic potential, and a recent study suggests that a basic laptop could be just such a tool.
Many educators who have been using laptops in the classroom have already discovered the advantages of this versatile tool. Paul Mulder, Allendale Public Schools technology director, uses laptops in the Allendale school district to facilitate a flipped classroom model in which students watch teacher lectures at home on their computers and then discuss what they’ve learned with their teachers and peers during class time. “We see teachers able to personalize instruction more,” he told Michigan Radio. “We see them able to give students options to go deeper and improve their learning.” (Street, 2017)
 A laptop also makes after school research much easier if a library is not presently accessible.
For the completion of group-work outside of class, programs like Microsoft Outlook have the ability to schedule meetings and the option to share this information with other group members to facilitate ease of movement is quite handy. (Bruff, 2002)

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NO! I’m not talking about pills. I’m referring to the computer touch-screen device that everyone has one of these days. Thin and sleek are definitely in the description of this one and it’s smaller than a laptop but bigger than your phone. E-books can be used on the tablet. Educational games and apps for every subject are available. Students can use tablets to coordinate colours in Art class and share drawings in real time for discussion and critique with teachers and classmates, look at three-dimensional organs in Science class and bring to life in real time presentations, making learning both efficient because students are discovering information themselves and fun because they are engaged with a technology they like to use (DeNeen, 2012). E-books are specifically designed for use on tablets, so it makes sense to allow students to use their tablets for reading in the classroom. Additionally, tablets have speakers, which allow for easy listening to audiobooks or text-to-speech e-books. (Lynch, 2018) There you have it Tablets are very useful in enhancing learning.

Smart Phones
Image result for smartphones

In addition to helping you communicate, smartphones can also be very useful tools in continuing your education. They may even offer opportunities to learn in ways you may not expect. Since chances are, you probably almost always have your phone with you, you'll have an opportunity to learn no matter where you are. Do you have a difficult time keeping track of your notes and fully paying attention to the professor at the same time during class? This is where your smartphone's recording functionality can come in handy. Using your smartphone, you can record the lecture or discussion for you to listen to later if needed. By having it recorded, you can be sure you don't miss any details. Be sure to ask the professor before your class if it's okay to record the class discussions (Walburg, 2018)
Young people expect always-on access to the information they need. Mobile learning can deliver the kind of content they can engage with ¾ wherever and whenever ¾ in a way that suits them. Portable smart devices can be used in the classroom as well as at home. They are interactive so content can be developed in stimulating formats, utilizing navigation and techniques familiar from digital platforms, including social media.
What’s more, mobile apps can help students keep track of their studies through automated updates and the means to check on assignments and their own progress. (Gowans, 2017)

These are just three devices that we have looked on today. I hope this was helpful. Until next time Good bye.


Bruff, D. (2002). From the Students's View: Laptop In (and Outside ) the Classroom. Retrieved from Vanderbilt University:
DeNeen, J. (2012, December 13). iPads In The Classroom: 25 Ways To Use Tablets To EnhanceThe Learning Experience. Retrieved from informED:
Gowans, E. (2017, July 25). How moblie technology can benefit learning . Retrieved from ET:
Lynch, M. (2018, March 2018). 15 Way to use a tablet in the classroom . Retrieved from Early Childhood :
Portable Devices . (2020). Retrieved from Technopedia :
Street, E. (2017, January 24). How laptops in the Classroom Improve Student Learning . Retrieved from Learning lift off:

Walburg, E. (2018, August 14). Ten Ways your Smartphone Can Help You Learn. Retrieved from Conerstone University:

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